The Yoga Loft Storybook: Ari Kane

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Why/When/Where did you start practicing yoga?

I am in the 5th year of having a dedicated practice. I didn’t try yoga for years because I was a “runner” and I taught Spin at the gym. I believed that if I wasn’t huffing & puffing and pounding my body, I wasn’t working hard enough. Yoga, my teachers, & my fellow yogis have taught me otherwise. After several years of having yoga on my New Years Resolutions list (along with going to the dentist & giving up sweeteners), I decided it was time. I am so thankful that I did.

How has yoga changed/influenced your life?

Yoga has definitely impacted my life on many levels. Practicing yoga has not only changed my body but I also feel stronger than I ever have felt before. This strength is as much internal fortitude as it is physical strength and I find that I am more tolerant of myself & others. Perhaps some of this humbling introspection and tempered view comes naturally with time but yoga has taught me to tap into that part of my spirit that may have otherwise taken longer to access or a “life event” to learn. In other words, I am open, listening, & learning.

What has been your experience practicing at The Yoga Loft?

I so enjoy my time at the Yoga Loft. I typically take 4 classes a week and always look forward to seeing my fellow yogis. I find all our teachers to be excellent and I learn from them daily; not just the physical practice but also what they give spiritually through their words, reflections, and kindness. Let’s not forget the front desk and our 4 legged friends (Bailey) who welcome each of us as we walk in from the elements. The Yoga Loft is truly a community and my classes are filled with all types of people young & younger. I love that part! I am inspired by those around me and hope to practice, always.

Anything else you wish to share about your yoga journey?

My yoga journey would not be complete without my family. As a wife and mother of four, I am actively pushing, supporting & encouraging my beloveds to practice weekly. I am so very proud whenever my children practice, especially my 3 sons! I am working hard on giving them the gift of yoga that I discovered only later in my own life. My hope for all six of us is that yoga will be a lifelong friend!

Julie Helmes