Our Mission

To foster a thoughtful yoga community dedicated to providing a positive transformation in body, mind and spirit.


Studio Photos


Rates & Offerings

New Member Special

Class Packs*

*1-year expiration for class packs. No extensions.

Monthly Membership Options

Membership Benefits:

  • Unlimited in-person classes

  • 15% off all boutique retail

  • 3 annual guest passes

  • Free mat rental

  • Welcome gift

  • NEW 20% Discounts on Private Sessions

  • Community Perks coming soon!

Workshops & Specialty Classes

Deepen your practice with our specialty offerings. Workshop and specialty class fees vary. Advanced sign-up is recommended.

Private Yoga

Deepen your practice or create a special group experience for friends, family, or colleagues. Class is hosted at the studio, your home, company office, outdoors, or virtually!

Pricing for 1-hour sessions in the studio

  • Single Person $145

  • Duet $160

  • 3-10 People $200

  • 11-16 People $250

  • 17-25 People $300

Pricing will vary for off-site privates and virtual privates. Please email us for more information.

Gift Cards

Gift certificates may be purchased in any denomination, and can be used for classes, workshops, private sessions, and retail.


New Student Etiquette

Asana training (the physical practice) has countless benefits including conditioning the physical body, balancing the energetic body and focusing the mind. This is the inward part of the practice where students tune into their bodies and tune out the chatter in their minds. As one practices yoga more and more, they cultivate a deeper awareness. Students begins to apply the principles of yoga off the mat in their engagements with the world around them. It is a way of being that is most simply expressed as “mindful”.

We kindly ask The Yoga Loft community to observe and practice the art of mindfulness while at the studio.


Late Policy: To protect the integrity of our classes and student experience, we have a 5-minute grace period. This policy serves both members and teachers. The first few minutes of each class are used to set the intention and prepare your body for meaningful and safe practice. The 5-minute grace period accommodates members upon last-minute arrivals before the class is closed.

Early departure: Should you need to leave class early, please inform the teacher beforehand and position yourself at the back of the room. Please leave before savasana begins.


Please silence your cell phones and leave downstairs.


Please respect the studio atmosphere prior to the start of class. Conversations should be kept to a minimum in the studio space.


Class Descriptions


A moderately paced flow to cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance within a gentle, continuous sequence of postures for all levels. Beginner friendly.


A fluid style of yoga characterized by linking breath and movement guided through a range of postures and creative sequencing.

(Heated) Power Flow

A dynamic flow created to strengthen the body through breath and balance, stimulating the muscles while exploring more advanced variations. Room average temp is 90 degrees.

Restore & Reiki

A deep, mindful sequence of active and restorative poses that focus the mind, calm the nervous system, and open the body. This class concludes with a guided meditation and incorporates the healing modality of Reiki. 

Flow & Restore

A blend of Vinyasa flow with deep relaxation at the beginning and end of class. Ease into your practice and leave feeling balanced and restored. Your energy builds with standing postures, while props will be used to support restorative supine postures at the end. 


Enter into contemplative being through the practice of Yin, deepening meditative awareness through longer held postures that target connective tissues, energy meridians, and the nervous system. Yin supports a relational approach to harmony within, drawing on principles of the five elements and the vital life force of Qi to support flow of energy. It offers an exploration of sensation through steady presence and a practice of peace that can help support wellbeing. Classes include gentle movement to initiate energy flow, followed by an intentional sequenced series of Yin postures, and culminating with Breathwork and deep relaxation to support an integrative and inspiring experience of mind and body.

Soothing Sunday Flow

A soothing Vinyasa flow that focuses on pranayama (breath work) and body awareness to bring peace to the mind and body. Essential oils and cool stones to aid in deep relaxation in your final Savasana. Explore this movement practice to nurture yourself and get ready for the week ahead!

Heated Vinyasa

Heated Vinyasa is a time to get into the deep connective tissue of the body with active stretches that target primary muscle groups surrounding the hips, hamstrings and upper back. This class warms the body with some standing postures and then transitions to the floor helping you to create space and balance by increasing flexibility and mobility. This is great for anyone seeking a methodical and intentional practice. It’s like getting a massage! The class will be heated to 85 degrees.

Pilates Yoga Flow

Our Pilates Yoga Flow class seamlessly integrates the core-strengthening principles of classical mat Pilates with the holistic approach of Yoga, encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Through this unique fusion, you'll engage all major muscle groups, cultivate inner strength, and enhance flexibility, while also experiencing deep tranquility for both body and mind. Each session begins with a dynamic Pilates mat practice, transitions into a fluid Yoga flow, and concludes with a blissful savasana.

Express Flow

Prepare to dive right in to this up-beat, feel-good class. This vinyasa-style practice is a perfect combination of strength and stretch. Each class will begin with gentle movement and breath work to warm up the body, progress into standing and balancing postures, and end with deep stretches and savasana. Expect each class to have energetic music with creative sequencing.

Tween Yoga

Tween yoga is designed for ages 7 through 12 (2nd through 5th grade). This hour-long practice will include asana, mindfulness, and an introduction to meditation. Classes will focus on movement and alignment in a safe and friendly environment.

Kids Yoga

Kids are full of big feelings and lots of energy. In these classes, your child will learn techniques to utilize their breath to instill calmness within themselves and to channel their energy through mindful movements. Families are welcome or parents are invited to drop children off for the hour. The class is geared toward ages 3-8.



We want you to feel comfortable the minute you walk through our doors. Read these common FAQs to feel prepared.

  • We encourage students who are new to yoga to start with our Essentials, Deep Stretch and Slow Flow classes. These move at a slower pace and allow more time for alignment instruction.

  • Comfortable, stretchy clothing for movement. Layers are a good idea. Please minimize the use of perfumes or scented lotions as other students may be sensitive.

  • A good reason to begin a yoga practice! Yoga is appropriate for every fitness level and every stage of life. Each pose has many variations and modifications making it either more accessible or more challenging. Over time a student's flexibility (and strength) will improve.

  • A yoga mat, or rent one from us. A towel and water bottle are recommended.

  • Please arrive 10 minutes before the class start time to check-in at the front desk. Signing up in advance through the Momence app will streamline your check-in process.


Yoga Terminology

  • Om is believed to be the mystical sound or vibration of the universe and represents the infinite or universal consciousness. Chanting the sound of Om at the beginning and/or end of a class creates harmony and unity among students and teacher.

  • Namaste is a greeting, taken as a sign of gratitude or respect. It translates to "the light inside of me bows to the light inside of you". Namaste is often said at the close of a yoga class with hands in prayer position at the heart center as a way to acknowledge and celebrate our interconnectedness.

  • Asana translates into "seat", and was originally used to describe the posture yogis took for meditation. Over time asana became the word used to group all postures, since all poses are a preparation for meditation. 

  • Savasana, also known as "Resting" or "Corpse" pose, is taken at the end of a yoga class allowing all of the effort put forth in the practice to integrate into the body. 

  • Pranayama is the word used for breathing techniques. Broken down, prana means "life force energy" and yama means "control". The most basic pranayama in yoga is to simply breathe in and out the nose, but teachers may guide students to practice other forms of pranayama which each have different physical and energetic benefits.