The Yoga Loft Storybook: Philip Helmes


Why/When/Where did you start practicing yoga?
Over the past five years I have taken a few classes here and there, but two years ago I had privates lessons with Vito prior to ski a trip. It was then that I realized really how stiff I felt.  After going to the gym on a regular basis for years, I took a break and started walking more. When Julie became the studio owner of the Yoga Loft, I became more motivated and last October began practicing regularly. I am now hooked and feel I get more from my practice than I do at the gym.

How has yoga changed/influenced your life?
My flexibility and balance has greatly improved which really was noticeable on a recent ski trip. At this point in my life I find the balance, flexibility and mental focus to be more beneficial for my general well-being.

What has been your experience practicing at The Yoga Loft?
I have enjoyed the different classes which has exposed me to a variety of teachers who offer different styles, levels of difficulty and relaxation. The ambiance of the studio is an important feature, it sets the mood and provides an opportunity to focus without distraction.

Anything else you wish to share about your yoga journey?
Now that I am comfortable with many of the poses and have seen some marked improvements in my balance, I plan to keep it incorporated as a regular part of my week’s activities.

Would you like to share your yoga journey for The Yoga Loft Storybook? Please send us an email!

Rebecca Reitz