Open House - Summer Kick-Off
Saturday, June 17, 2023
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Join us for a community open house on Saturday, June 17. This event will include:
Two FREE yoga classes! Sign up in advance to reserve a space. IN STUDIO ONLY.
8:15 AM Heated Vinyasa with Kristan
10:00 AM Essentials with Gurdeep (beginner friendly)
Mini sessions
One card readings by Gurdeep Bhogal
Auricular acupuncture treatment with Holly Shuman
Mini chair massages with Jill Borton
25% off ALL retail and 25% OFF 20-Class Packages - ONE DAY ONLY!
Gift bags for the first 40 attendees
An opportunity to visit with The Yoga Loft teachers
Pre-registration recommended. Sign up for class on MindBody.