The Yoga Loft Storybook: Deb Caloggero


Why/When/Where did you start practicing yoga?

I started yoga in my 20's but didn't continue until much later after I was in a terrible car accident. My chiropractor suggested I start yoga again because I had some damage in my back and my mobility was limited.

How has yoga changed/influenced your life?

Yoga has changed my life completely especially since I have ADD it has taught me how to breathe and focus. These two things have changed so many aspects of my life, making me more confident and taught me to be Present.

What has been your experience practicing at The Yoga Loft?

The Yoga Loft has become my second home.  I have made great friends and some really wonderful memories that keep me grounded and at peace, especially at times like these.  I love that there are wonderful teachers with all different skills and such a great variety of classes so I never feel bored. Each day brings a different practice that I look forward too.

I think the greatest gift The Yoga Loft has given us, right now is the ability to practice online during this very difficult time with the COVID-19 consuming our lives.  I wake each day knowing that one of my awesome teachers is going to help me focus on my breathing, guide me to all the gratitude I have learned to focus on and make it through another day.

Anything else you wish to share about your yoga journey?

If I think about my life before yoga and now and I honestly feel like different person.  The heath of my body, the ability to move and practice every day, my positive attitude. My back pain stays in check with yoga.  There was a time I was living on Advil. I no longer take any pain medication. I had a knee replacement 2 years ago and I am able to practice daily.  Miracles come from yoga and I mean that sincerely.

Julie Helmes