Make Your Own Ghee
Julie’s Ghee Recipe
(approx. 60 - 90 minutes)
Ghee is the one oil that kindles your Agni (digestive fire). It is an essential ingredient for making Kithcari and can be used as an oil in many different dishes.
4 Sticks of cultured unsalted butter (I like Organic Valley)
Glass jar and top to store the ghee
Cheesecloth for straining
Stainless steel pan
Add the four sticks of butter to a medium pot on low heat.
When the butter melts, reduce heat to very low. You may even turn it off and on to prevent the liquid from boiling.
Watch closely so it doesn't burn.
The milk solids will rise to the top of the pan and then eventually sink down to the bottom. When the liquid becomes more transparent and you can see the bottom of the pot, that means you are almost ready.
When you can clearly see to the bottom, turn the heat off. Let the liquid sit for a few minutes.
Strain by pouring the butter through a cheesecloth to ensure the milk solids are separated. Essentially you are creating butter oil.
Let your mason jar cool at room temperature and store at room temperature.
Recipe written by Julie Helmes, Yoga Loft owner and teacher
1. Butter melting
2. More separation and you can see the bottom of the pan
3. Straining the butter through cheesecloth
4. Ghee is ready to cool at room temperature