Maida Broudo 6.jpg

Teacher Spotlight:

I first came onto the mat in September of 1999, about 5 months after having had to drop out of the Boston Marathon due to a calf injury. I decided that I needed to stretch my muscles, but did not realize until 90 minutes later, that I had come home. I cried in Savasana. It had been a very hard power yoga class, and I was dripping in sweat, but I loved the breath, and movement, and have not stopped practicing ever since!

What was your first yoga experience?

What made you become a yoga teacher?

I think it was in the back of my mind for many years but never seemed like a practical thing for me to take the time in the midst of raising children and working full-time. Then, I took a break from the Boston job to focus on myself a bit, and it simply surfaced. Ame Wren, one of my favorite teachers was opening a yoga school. I could not resist-and am so thrilled that I did!

What is your favorite yoga pose?

I love triangle pose because it feels graceful and  “all opening”. I also think it is a pretty pose… and I love when I teach it and everyone is in it together.

Where do you draw inspiration from for your classes?

Wow-that is a tough question, because I integrate small things that are meaningful from many teachers. I can’t even single out anyone because there are a dozen “favorite” teachers. I will say, Larisa Forman has been amazingly instrumental in my finding the deeper meaning of yoga and incorporating the philosophy into my life and practice and teaching.

I also draw inspiration from my students. I have learned to listen to the class, the collective energy of the room, and to teach accordingly. I rarely pre-plan a class, but merely go in with a few concepts and feel what is right for that particular group of students.

What do you cherish the most?

My husband, children, and friends.

Practice with Maida

Yoga Essentials | Thursdays at 8:15 am

Quarterly Sadhaka Practice | Sundays at 2:00-4:00 pm

Read Maida's full bio here.