November 2020: Parivrtta Utkatasana


Parivrtta Utkatasana
(Revolved Chair Pose)


Because of the intense and sometimes challenging nature of parivrtta utkatasana, it is said to be a good posture for learning to soften and find a kind of comfort within discomfort.


  1. 1- Start from standing position. Adjust your feet to parallel with your toes touching and your heels slightly separated, lift your arms up over your head.

  2. Bring Hands to heart center. 

  3. Twist from the core, Turning  your shoulders to the right without moving your hips or knees.

  4. Place your left elbow on your right knee and twist your chest towards the right.

  5. Press your both hands into each other for stability.

  6. Inhale deeply, and look up.

  7. Breathe out to draw your shoulder bones together and further down your back.

  8. Exhale to return to standing.


  • Block between the legs (optional)

Michaela Flatley