July 2019: Virabhadrasana II


Virabhadrasana II
(Warrior II)

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This strong and empowering pose requires stability and strength in both upper and lower body, commanding full and undivided attention to the physical practice of the pose.


  1. Setting up a strong base is essential to Warrior II. From standing (Tadasana) with hands at the hips, gently bend into the right knee while stepping the left foot back about 3 feet.

  2. Next, pivoting the left heel about 45 degrees rest the heel down on the mat.

  3. Bending deeper into the right knee so that it is directly over the right ankle, begin to align right heel with the arch of the left foot.

  4. Once the lower body feels sturdy in this set up, check in with the upper body to ensure that shoulders are stacked over hips and spread arms wide with fingers parallel to the floor.

  5. Create space between the shoulder blades by stretching the fingertips in opposite directions with palms down. Complete the pose by rotating the gaze to see the right palm.

  6. Repeat on the opposite side.

Michaela Flatley