February 2022: Vasisthasana (Side Plank)


(Side Plank)

Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) is a powerful arm and wrist strengthener. It takes patience, endurance, and skill to progress to such a challenging posture. 

  1. Start in plank pose, pressing firmly through your hands with your shoulders aligned over your wrists.

  2. Keeping your core muscles and legs engaged, roll both your heels to the right.

  3. Stack your left foot on top of the right. Draw your legs together and push out through the feet.

  4. Press down through the right hand and raise your left hand. Keep your lower belly engaged and your tailbone long.

  5. Look up to your hand, or ahead of you. 

  6. Build up to stay in the pose for 5 breaths.

  7. To come out, exhale as you lower your left hand and pivot your feet back to plank position. Repeat on the other side.

Variation: If the balance is hard to maintain, let your bottom leg act as a kickstand. Set yourself up as if you are going to go into a side plank, propped up on your side. Bend your top knee and step that foot in front of your body. Lift your hips up. You can take the option to lift your top arm and look up. Stay for several deep breaths, then slowly lower down.

Michaela Flatley