The Yoga Loft Storybook: Maddie Bickell


Why/when/where did you start practicing yoga? 

I started practicing yoga in 8th grade. I started out going once a week with a friend, and gradually it became a habit to practice more often. I was never interested in sports growing up, yoga was my way of physically exercising my body while also relaxing my mind. I started working at the Yoga Loft in August as a studio assistant. I was so excited to continue my practice here because the classes are great and the Yoga Loft family is amazing. I am so happy to be part of this wonderful community. 

How has yoga changed or influenced your life?

Yoga helped me learn to live in the present moment. Once I learned how to relax my mind, I learned that living in the present moment is very important. Living without a constant flood of thoughts helped a lot with my stress. Now knowing how to control my breathing has helped my racing mind come to rest and let me allow myself to move forward with my day without constant stress. 

What are your plans for next year?

I will be heading to college next fall! I still do not know which school I will end up at, but I will be happy with any opportunities I get in this next year! 

A quote that you love or would like to share? 

“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion and respect to your own journey.” 

Julie Helmes