The Yoga Loft Storybook: Jill Rosen


Why/When/Where did you start practicing yoga? 

September 2003. I had just had my daughter Libby. My very first yoga class was with Heather Tharpe at Healthworks in Salem. My friend Grethen, who at the time was a personal trainer/spin instructor there, just asked me to take a class with her. It was unlike anything I had ever done and I l was hooked immediately. I loved everything about it -- the music, the energy, the studio, the community. Changed my life!

How has yoga changed/influenced your life? 

For the first time in my pretty active life I stumbled upon "exercise" that I truly looked forward to doing. And the more I practiced, the more I loved it. Yoga also helped me through some pretty difficult times, as it gave me a place to quiet my brain, feel strong, and breathe.

What keeps you busy outside of the studio? 

I work full-time as a Workplace Education Manager at Fidelity Investments, my 2 dogs, and my 2 college kids.

A quote that you love or would like to share? 

I know this isn't very yogi, but this has been my mantra for as long as I can remember! "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." :-)

Julie Helmes