Embracing my Vulnerability


Dear Yoga Loft Marblehead community,

My personal goal for 2022 is to embrace vulnerability. I am practicing that today in this letter (it wasn’t easy).

Nearly two years since the onset of the pandemic, change seems to be the only constant. We as a community have learned to expect change and adapt with it. That is especially true of The Yoga Loft, which has been a positive outlet both in the studio and virtually. I am grateful for the support and creativity all of you have put forward during this difficult time. And while I would never have wished for this experience, I believe that it has helped evolve our collective consciousness. 

Through the pandemic, many of us have had to confront the decision to ask for help and it requires a level of vulnerability and courage. As a business owner, I didn’t think it was appropriate for me to ask for help when so many people were navigating their own struggles, but in an effort to embrace my vulnerability, I’m writing this letter to all of you.

Brené Brown said in her book Daring Greatly, “I define vulnerability as uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.”

When I bought the yoga studio in October 2018, I knew I would be challenged, but I was excited and eager to contribute. Only 18 months into my ownership COVID-19 arrived. I have now owned the yoga studio longer during COVID times than not. The financial hardships have put all of us in difficult positions. The Yoga Loft took a loss of 60% during the pandemic and we are slowly climbing back, but despite two PPP loans, an EIDL loan and a grant from the state, it hasn’t been enough to last us this long. While this funding has helped the studio to continue paying managers, staff and teachers their pre-COVID rates, cover rent, utilities, the cost of new technologies and equipment, the funds are drying up.

To this day, I have not taken $1 from the business. Every cent goes toward the loan payments that I used to purchase The Yoga Loft back in 2018. Your help now will truly be keeping the studio alive. Please consider these ways to support the studio and your teachers.

While I am confident that the studio will persevere, I feel responsible to share the studio’s standing. I want to thank everyone who has supported The Yoga Loft over the last two years and continued to find a yoga practice with us, your commitment and support have meant everything. If anything comes of this letter, I hope it encourages you to embrace the power of your own vulnerability.

With immense gratitude and humility,